

Dare to enter a world of future videogames
The story unfolds in a near future, in a country in ruins. Dangerous illegal virtual games of war spread. "Avalon" is one of these games, in which youths abandon themselves. Some even earn their living from it. The Players, under constant bombardment by helicopters and tanks, slog through this world with the same pace of real soldiers. The game has its dangers: it can leave a player brain-dead, needing constant medical care, such victims are called "unreturned." Ash, also known as "The noble soldier" is one of these young warriors, prisoner and captive at the very core of the game. When she is not "logged-on" and building a reputation as a top player, Ash leads a solitary existence with her dog in a lonely apartment... In quest for the nine sisters, the "gate" to reach the legendary game level "class real," Ash journey deeper into the game and the mystery of Avalon...
Tags: virtual reality

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Mamoru Oshii

Running Time:

Malgorzata Foremniak
Wladyslaw Kowalski
Jerzy Gudejko
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